Leschenault Quays

  • Location Bunbury
  • Developer Citygate Properties
  • No. Apartments 54

The architectural language of Leschenault Quays is unique, well considered, and responsive to context and character.

The built form adopts an organic language befitting of its setting. The architecture has been crafted using a distinct curvi-linear language that takes its influences from the marine setting of the Leschenault Inlet. The façade rhythm reminiscent of waves in the ocean, and just as the inlet and coastline has been shaped by nature the architecture has been crafted to respond to its place and the unique setting of the Leschenault Inlet.

The material palette is restrained but refined to further enhance the organic forms. With expressed curved forms in bright white, and grounding elements in darker colours and textures.

Each street interface has been carefully considered to respond to the surrounding context. At each key frontage, the street interface addresses the nature of the area; the activated frontages follow the key pedestrian and vehicular access routes along Austral Parade, whereas Hough and King Roads offer a passive interface, appropriately addressing the quieter residential surrounds.

The introduction of a strong landscaped buffer of mainly deep soil zones at ground level will improve this interface, softening and greening up this streetscape.

The redevelopment emphasis of the design is for a highly improved streetscape. Adopting a design language that is both contextual and contemporary.
